
細胞種子The seed of life《細胞種子:認識幹細胞與臍帶血》
規格:15 × 21 cm




The seed of life: all you have to know about stem cell and cord blood 
Author: Lin Cheng-kun
Publisher: Business Weekly Publications
Pub Date: 2006.07.05
15*21㎝ 264p
Rights: world

Almost everyone eagerly supports research to develop new drugs against cancer, or to develop a vaccine that immunizes against transmission of HIV, but stem cell research that explores the boundaries of individual, explores the possibility of extending the human life, has been a debate between people, because people are of two minds about human biology research, they are enthralled by its power to discover and apply, they are also frightened by its power to discover and apply. People have to know the fact of scientific research, they have to know what is wrapped in the mystery of scientific paper before making decision. This book unravels the mystery concerning most of the issues about research of stem cell that trouble laymen and scientists alike. 
The book is composed of five stories in five chapter to explore almost every aspect of stem cell research. As a pediatric practitioner, the author has to answer questions from patients and their parents, so he is deeply impressed by the anxiety of laymen when they has to face the questions such as: Do you favor stem cell research? What can stem cell research benefits people?Should you bank your baby's cord blood? etc. The author is an excellent storyteller, too, while the most recent discoveries about stem cell are not neglected, he answers these questions in depth with a fascinating story in the beginning of each chapter.

Chapter 1: The last days of Mao-- the development and application of nerve stem cell
Chapter 2: The mushroom clouds-- the stem cells in the bone marrow
Chapter 3: The story of Peabody-- the stem cells in the cord blood 
Chapter 4: The tragedy of H-- patient specific embryonic stem cell
Chapter 5: Do you have twin sibling?--the future of organ transplantation


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